“Cité So’Coloc” Wall design OULLINS


Fully refurbished, an old primary school belonging to the municipality of Oullins was transformed into a community house share for young persons under 30 (So’Coloc). The manager of the building, Alliade Habitat (a social housing agency) installed a residence intended for students and young workers. These students differed from others since they were committed to working on community projects in Oullins. With its 13 flats and two to seven “So’Flatmates” per flat, about sixty young people came to Oullins to work with the local inhabitants while benefiting from reasonable rental prices and flat sharing.


Murals and ITE, the cohabitation of the future

In only a few months the young tenants (Kapseurs) succeeded in forging links with the local population. They have become a spearhead of proposals to integrate the “La Cité” residence into the urban landscape.
Patrice Tillet
Director of the territorial delegations Action Logement Immobilier (Ex-Managing Director of Alliade Habitat)
Contracting owner : Municipality of Oullins / Alliade Habitat.
Place : Oullins / France.
Contracting owner : Municipality of Oullins / Alliade Habitat.
Place : Oullins / France.
Contracting owner : Municipality of Oullins / Alliade Habitat.
Place : Oullins / France.

Curious to know more?

The problem

Alliade Habitat, an innovative social housing agency, wanted to make this residence located on the edge of the A7 highway more attractive.
Sensitive to the environment, the agency commissioned CitéCréation to provide a series of mural paintings on the theme of flora to attract future volunteers for this style of residence so unlike many others.

Action / result

Restyled by CitéCréation, the building is adorned with colours and the interior of the court is painted with mural works produced with the aid of students. It’s a fine acquisition for a neighbourhood that is trying to throw off a sometimes negative and not always justified reputation.
The result is acknowledged by all, Alliade Habitat, the municipality of Oullins and its population.
This ambitious project shows that external thermal insulation embellished by colour can change the image of a neighbourhood and even a town.

The actors of the project

  • Contracting owner: Alliade Habitat.
  • Project manager: BLB Construction.
  • Partners: Municipality of Oullins, AFEV-KAPS, Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region, Richardson, Point P BMRA, Zolpan paints and the
    help of the students of ÉCohlCité.

Budget et Technique

Cost of the monumental mural design project:

  • Project coordination/ Design / Production of the overall design.
  • €90 K ex. tax*.

The property in figures:

  • 13 dwellings from 2 roomed to 8 roomed flats
  • Timetable for carrying out the project: 3 months.

Technical characteristics of the painted facades:

  • ETI polystyrene and cool pigment technology.

*Excluding scaffolding, surface preparation, team facilities, site office with access to water.
