Painted mural circuit JERUSALEM



For decades, Jerusalem was a major tourist destination and the strongest economic area of the country. Due to its specific nature, and Israel in general, with regard to the three major monotheistic religions, the country’s leaders wish to conserve the city’s international status. How is it possible to attract tourists when political tensions in this part of the world make them think twice about coming?

Story painting

"La peinture murale joue comme un reflet dans les yeux des personnes qui s’arrêtent et la regardent… elle offre un voyage dans le passé et surtout dans le futur, à la découverte des visions et des espoirs des habitants de la ville".
Sara Malka
Director East Jerusalem Development Ltd
Contracting owner : East Jerusalem Development Ltd.
Place : Jérusalem / Israël.
Contracting owner : East Jerusalem Development Ltd.
Place : Jérusalem / Israël.
Contracting owner : East Jerusalem Development Ltd.
Place : Jérusalem / Israël.
Contracting owner : East Jerusalem Development Ltd.
Place : Jérusalem / Israël.

Curious to know more?

The point of departure

East Jerusalem Development, the Ministry of Tourism and the City of Jerusalem asked the designer-mural painters of CitéCréation to produce a circuit of mural paintings. CitéCréation’s mural painters designed and produced secular frescos that retold moments of history, of the Byzantine period on the Little Cardo and of the former school of the Alliance, as well as of scenes of contemporary everyday life, represented by markets, the future tramway, the college, the theatre, the children of peace and so forth. Tiberias, the capital of Galilee, is a historic town, seaside resort and tourist centre well-known for its lake. The frescos painted by CitéCréation set out the skein of history in the centres and outskirts of these cities and towns.

Action / result

The colours and spirit of optimism of the mural paintings have captured the hearts of both the inhabitants and tourists.

The actors of the project

Contracting owner: East Jerusalem Development Ltd.

Budget et Technique

Cost of the monumental mural design project:

  • Project coordination/ Design / Production of the overall design.
  • €560 K ex. tax*.

The property in figures:

  • A circuit of 8 wall paintings.
  • Timetable for carrying out the project: 15 years.

Technical characteristics of the painted facades:

  • Coated concrete.

*Excluding scaffolding, surface preparation, team facilities, site office with access to water.
