Mural of the SNCF railway station Saint Clair – CitéCréation celebrates its 40th birthday in 2018

Travel along the rail

This former railway station in Caluire has been closed to passenger traffic for many years.

It is still crossed by three main lines, including the Lyon/Paris TGV line. It is still crossed by three main lines, including the TGV Lyon /Paris line. It thus represents a real entry point to Lyon.

The renovation of these aging and in poor condition places was therefore unavoidable. That is why the SNCF has entrusted the mural painters CitéCréation with this embellishment project. Built around strong key words (ecomobility, sustainable development, service, movement, speed, travel and link), the mural covers the four façades of the passenger building and an adjacent wall. Its main shades are red, the original colour of the station’s bricks.

Partner : SNCF It is highlighted by JD Lumière.

Mural of SNCF - Saint-Clair Station - Caluire - France (Realized in 2014)
Mural of SNCF station - Saint Clair - Caluire - France
Mural of Saint-Clair Station - Caluire