Ideal city of Egypt - Lyon 8th
Ideal city of Egypt – Lyon 8th – Come and visit it
For the pride of the 8,000 inhabitants of boulevard des États-Unis and the pleasure of the 85,000 inhabitants of the 8th area of Lyon, CitéCréation is currently restoring and updating the 24 monumental mural designs of the Tony Garnier Urban Museum, created by the muralist painters of CitéCréation 25 years ago, between 1987 and 1997.
In 2017, the renovation of the “Temps de la Cité” was the first mural to be restored in consultation with the inhabitants of the district…
In 2018, CitéCréation has just completed the restoration of “The Ideal City of Egypt”, according to the original design of the Egyptian visual artist Abdel Salam Eïd.
In 2019, three new murals will be rewritten… to be discovered soon!
We invite you to come and discover them!