Chaumont Habitat - The "Party" mural
Chaumont Habitat – The “Party” mural
The Ribot mural was inaugurated
Enthusiastic residents of the Ribot residence in Chaumont (Haute-Marne) took part in the inauguration of the fresco “La fête” in the presence of Frédéric Gombard, General Manager and Sébastien Agnus, Deputy General Manager of Chaumont Habitat, Séverine Jardin, Halim Bensaïd, Project Managers and Co-managers of CitéCréation and members of their respective teams.
The rehabilitation work of the whole residence, including insulation from the outside, was accompanied by the social landlord’s desire to create a first mureal by CitéCréation. The second will be completed in March 2022.
These murals were designed with the participation of the residents.
A convivial time closed the ceremony to invite the inhabitants to take possession of their new living environment and the passer-by to make an artistic discovery.