Banque des Territoires in the capital of CitéCréation
Caisse des Dépôts / Banque des Territoires in the capital of CitéCréation
Press release – September 11, 2019
The Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts Group) at the heart of the development of CitéCréation, world leader in Monumental Wall Design.
CitéCréation, the world leader in Monumental Wall Design, has just completed a fundraising campaign to accelerate its development in France. At the same time, the company welcomes the Banque des Territoires as the reference shareholder for its capital.
“For more than 40 years, CitéCréation has successfully worked as closely as possible to the territories in order to improve living together through monumental wall design. As part of our development, we sought to partner with an investor who is not just a financier, but who fully shares our state of mind. The Banque des Territoires seemed to us to be the best partner for this by seeking to reconcile economic efficiency and social performance as closely as possible to local stakeholders,” stress Halim Bensaïd and Lionel Toutain Rosec, co-managers of CitéCréation.
For 40 years and more than 750 projects carried out internationally, the world leader in monumental wall design has defended an inclusive vision of the city through the design and production of high-end monumental and heritage wall frescoes. Praised and rewarded, CitéCréation’s works are systematically the result of participatory work whose objective is to maintain and create territorial solidarity. Its objective: to sustainably beautify the territories in order to nourish their demographic, economic and tourist attractiveness.
Faced with a growing demand for projects that fall within its expertise, and in a promising urban context linked to the challenges of energy rehabilitation, CitéCréation has approached investors to support its development. A fundraising campaign has just been carried out by a pool of investors led by the Bank of the Territories.
In parallel with this fundraising, the Banque des Territoires will also provide CitéCréation with the benefit of its proximity to social landlords and local authorities in the various territories of France. By positioning itself as an active shareholder with 15% of its capital, the reference investor in the territorial transition thus wishes to support a company with a strong societal impact for more inclusive territories.
About CitéCréation
CitéCréation is a cooperative company (SCOP Sarl) world leader in monumental wall design. Created in 1978 in Lyon (France), it has 40 years of experience in more than 750 monumental projects around the world.
CitéCréation studies, conceives and realizes monumental wall design projects that range from narrative frescoes to the overall ornamental embellishment of buildings and neighbourhoods under construction or renovation. We work in high-end painting on all types of buildings: housing, infrastructure, public and private facilities. The structures designed and built by CitéCréation are built to the highest aesthetic and technical standards. Our projects are systematically the result of participatory work carried out during the design phase, the objective of which is to maintain and create territorial solidarity in order to foster the pride of the inhabitants as well as the demographic, economic and tourist attractiveness of the territories where we operate.
2019 is a pivotal year for our company with the entry of the Caisse des Dépôts / Banque des Territoires group into our capital to support our Scale-Up. As well as obtaining the approval of Entreprise Solidaire d’Utilité Sociale (ESUS) by the Ministry of Economy. Our headquarters are based in Lyon Métropole (France) and we have two commercial subsidiaries: DekorativeCity (Berlin) and MuraleCréation (Montreal). Our team is composed of 20 people, including 10 employees, including 6 partners.
Press contacts:
Aïcha Bezzayer – – 06 88 15 11 38
About the Bank of the Territories
Created in 2018, Banque des Territoires is one of Caisse des Dépôts’ five business lines. It brings together in the same structure the internal expertise intended for the territories. As a single client gateway, it offers tailor-made advisory and financing solutions in loans and investments to meet the needs of local authorities, social housing organisations, local public companies and the legal professions. It is aimed at all territories, from rural areas to metropolitan areas, with the aim of combating social inequalities and territorial divisions. Banque des Territoires is deployed in Caisse des Dépôts’ 16 regional divisions and 35 territorial offices in order to be better identified with its clients and as close as possible to them.
For more attractive, inclusive, sustainable and connected territories.
Press contacts:
Anne-Laure Badaut – – 04 72 11 11 49 52